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" Logistics Overview (II) : Marketing channels"

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Marketing channels are "the set of institutions needed to move goods and transfer ownership of goods from where they are produced to where they are consumed." It includes all marketing activities in all agencies and in the marketing process." The main traditional institutions in the marketing channel include manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. These channel arrangements include: ownership channel, negotiation channel, financial channel, promotion channel and logistics channel. Below we introduce how manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers introduce each other in these five channels.


Ownership channels involve changes in the ownership of goods, and the goods themselves can be physically absent from the site or even non-existent. If the goods sell very well, then you may have to pay for them before they are produced, such as commissioned art; Some products, such as new commercial aircraft, require sufficient property commitments before they can be built.


The negotiation channel is the channel to form the purchase and sale agreement. It includes face-to-face transactions, or transactions by phone, email, electronic data exchange, or almost every other form of communication. In many cases, the price is already set without actual negotiation; There are also auctions and highly structured organized agricultural market transactions. Negotiations will also cover how to handle activities in other channels, such as delivery locations and payment times and even packaging design.


The finance channel handles the payment of goods and more importantly, it handles corporate credit. The financial strength of each participant in the channel is different, and usually one participant must help other participants to maintain the vitality of the whole channel. For example, a newly opened retail store may need to sell some goods on consignment, it only needs to pay the wholesaler, and the rest of the financial risk is borne by the wholesaler. Credit is very important to all parties in the channel, and the parties in the channel often accept or offer credit, and credit has become an indispensable part of the negotiations.


Promotional channels focus on the promotion of new and existing products. It can be linked to financial channels, as monetary subsidies are usually part of the promotion; In addition, there are many links with logistics channels, such as coupon, bulletin board and other advertising materials must be presented together with promotional products, and packaging may have special labels, logistics personnel to deal with the order process to reflect the effectiveness of promotional activities.


Promotional channels focus on the promotion of new and existing products. It can be linked to financial channels, as monetary subsidies are usually part of the promotion; In addition, there are many links with logistics channels, such as coupon, bulletin board and other advertising materials must be presented together with promotional products, and packaging may have special labels, logistics personnel to deal with the order process to reflect the effectiveness of promotional activities.






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